TREMENDOUS-a tomato ketchup machine


¨     To facilitate home preparation, food restaurants, wanders, cafeterias etc. to prepare hygienically and pure common product with assured quality.

Why should anyone care about the work we did?

Tomato ketchup is used in many products including frozen foods, pasta ketchup and pizza toppings etc. Premium quality ketchups with high solids content derive their viscosity from a combination of water of the fibrous strands in the paste and the gelling effect of pectin found naturally in tomatoes.

This work facilitates home preparation and to prepare product efficiently at the level of food restaurants, wanders, cafeterias etc.  Hygienically and pure common product (with and without preservatives) with assured quality of many eatery.

Practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap in my research filling:-

  • Practical –easy to prepare all protocol in one unit
  • Scientific--hygienic product and quality assurance because of standard protocol. control of material and temperature is also available
  • Theoretical:-standard protocol for measurement of ingredients.
  • Artistic:- carry out full process from entering tomatoes to ketchup in packaged bottles.(all in one)

How it is better, faster or cheaper than what is already out there?

  • The ketchup which already used are costlier and full of preservatives which is not preferable for human health whereas this machine produces 100% pure and hygienic ketchup without class II preservatives and it is cheaper also. This machine may be used for continuous production of ketchup. Only one person can handle the machine.

Problem statement:

The problem we solved or the hypothesis we investigated:-

  • Temperature controlling and constant water level maintained in machine.
  • Automatic separation of seed and skin.
  • Evaporation under controlled temperature.

What my project or invention contributes to the area?

  • It will reduce raw cost in cafeterias.
  • People will get hygienic and quality controlled fresh and healthy ketchup in cafeterias also.





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