Completed Design and Manufacturing of NUTRIPRENEUR - Choice Of Entrepreneur

Successfully Filled Patent of MOBILE SOY MILK MACHINE


Winner in Spectrum 2012, A National Level Technical Festival Organised by A. D. Patel Institute of Technology

Completed training at AMUL (Anand) for period of 10 days.

Completed Design and Manufacturing of  WOOD FIRED PIZZA OVEN at -High Speed Turbodrives Pvt Ltd. GIDC , V.U.Nagar

Developed website

Winner in ADROIT -2012, A National Level Technical Festival Organised by Anand Agriculture Univercity

Completed Communication skill component and personality development programme by CDC at A. D. Patel Institute Of Technology

Completed Design and Manufacturing WOOD FIRED ROTARY BREAD OVEN at -High Speed Turbodrives Pvt Ltd. GIDC , V.U.Nagar

Winner at Footprint 2013, A National Level Technical Festival Organised by Maharaja  Sayajirao University, Vadodara.

Completed Design and Manufacturing of TREMENDOUS - Tomato Ketchup Machine.

Completed Design and Manufacturing of MOREISH - Fruit Jam Machine at A.D.I.T.

Completed Design and Manufacturing of  SPANIEL - Soya processor .

Winner at Samatva 2013 , A National Level Technical Festival Organised by  Madhuben And Bhanubhai Patel Women Institute Of Engineering.

Winner in Project Development at A. D. Patel Institute Of Technology

Awarded with Eklavya Award at A.D. Patel Institute Of Technology.

Completed Design and Manufacturing of Pushron - Psychometric System.

Completed training at AMUL (Mogar – Food Complex) for period of 07 days.

Completed Research Project at WINDSOR biscuits for annual saving of Rs. 30Lac.

Organised a Technical Festival (Has been Student coordinator for event Expuesta - 13 at A. D. Patel Institute Of Technology.)

Working as Consultant at Dehydration Plant of Capacity 6 TPD.

Completed Work on Design and Development of Milk Processing Plant of Capacity 5000LPH.

Runner Up at ADROIT -13, A National Level Technical Festival Organised by Anand Agriculture University

Completed Training at Anand Oils (ARCOGUL) for period of 10 days.

Completed Training at Meghmani Finechem Ltd.

Successfully attended 3 week workshop on Entrepreneurship development by EDI at A. D. Patel Institute Of Technology.

Awarded with Best Design Award from SIEMENS

Winner at Footprint 2014, A National Level Technical Festival Organised by Maharaja  Sayajirao University, Vadodara.

Successfully Filled Patent of FOOD PROCESSING MACHINE 

Winner at SHASHVAT 14 ,Organised by A. D. Patel Institute of Technology.



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