Nutripreneur is a multipurpose food processing machine. More particularly it relates to processes various type of products such as dairy, bakery, beverage, snacks and like and process for preparation thereof. This equipment is divided in such a manner that we have to feed ingredients according to required final products. In machine itself quantity is rectified, mixed, processed and it worked in specific manner under controlled parameters and it automatically makes the final product in packaged form and makes it ready to be sold in market. This machine is equipped with safety fuses , temperature indicator and controller and its compact and its design makes it looking attractive so in case of selling outside mall and restaurants, consumer will be attracted due to noise free operation and healthy, hygienic, nutrient rich and cost efficient products.

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In existing market several processing machines are available. Most of them process the specified product. Multipurpose machines are for processing products of same kind, i.e. bakery ovens can back multiple products, but in present machine the whole process from feeding raw material to the final products is carried out under same unit. Also, it includes products of different sectors like dairy, bakery, beverage, snacks and like.

This machine is equipped with safety fuses , temperature indicator and controller and its compact and its design makes it looking attractive so in case of selling outside mall and restaurants, consumer will be attracted due to noise free operation and healthy, hygienic, nutrient rich and cost efficient products.


Now days in modern era of competition, starting a business needs SWOT analysis. Particular in India there are 94% micro, small and medium scale industries. Indian Government is motivating this type of industries by MSME act, 2006.

For this purpose, we have done survey of certain entrepreneurs and we come up with this machine and named it NUTRIPRENEUR which is combination of word nutrition and entrepreneur.

This equipment is divided in such a manner that we have to feed ingredients according to required final products. In machine itself quantity is rectified, mixed, processed and it worked in specific manner under controlled parameters and it automatically makes the final product in packaged form and makes it ready to be sold in market.



About machine:-

This machine is basically divided into three main units according to process needed.

First unit is used for two operations first is to weigh and pack various  products and second two coat snack with various spices with use of small blower fitted inside chamber. Then it is weighed with help of rotating and stationary disk and directly filled to plastic bags or tin cans or to paper boxes. Typically for plastic bags which are used generally in market, a sealing machine is provided in line to pack the product.

In second unit, products like chocolates of various types, milk chocolate, flavor cubes of different flavors, Jellies, white chocolate can be made. In this unit, we just have to feed raw material as per suggested amount to avail desire nutrient content in final product.

With the heating coil and specifically designed agitating mechanism syrup is prepared under controlled temperature and pressure. Then prepared syrup is poured into molds with help of spreading mechanism, we can use various types of mold according to shape and size needed. As this machine is made with online refrigeration section it prepares final product online itself. Then these prepared chocolates are separated from molds and may be fed to first unit for packaging purpose.

Now third unit is used to manufacture product like sweeten condensed milk, sweeten condensed soymilk, chocolate drink, coffee or tea and non-carbonated beverages including various flavor’s soft drinks and buttermilk also. All this products are enriched with nutrition with predefined proportion of ingredients to be added in machine. In this unit also we have to feed raw material like milk, flavor, water and other as needed to prepare final product. Then it is agitated with special type of mixing agitator and heated (in case of condensing) and filled in glass bottles with use of automatic valve and filling pipe.

Now, this glass bottles are fitted with crown manually and subjected to sterilization in sterilization tunnel fitted in machine itself. Now, after sterilization with help of return belt, sterile bottles are conveyed and checked for leakage or cracks (if any) with help of inline fitted bulb and glass.

In this manner this machine can manufacture multiple products in various varieties (by changing flavor) and can marketed in market. Along with this, peoples are becoming more and more health conscious now a day, so this equipment assures nutritive product with proper temperature controls and hygienically safe product.

This machine indirectly provides indirect financial safety like if one product is not achieving target in market, other products can secure target and achieve desired financial profit to the investor.

As this unit is designed with taking care of cost effectiveness one unit costs only about Rs. 62000 (1000 US $) including all  handling, service and industrial charges.



Why should anyone care about the work we did?


  1. Objective of this machine is to launch multipurpose processing machine, wherein multiple products can be processed/manufactured in a single machine.
  2. It is to make a hygienic, cost efficient and nutrition rich products by successful application.
  3. It is small scale machine, which can manufacture multiple products outside malls, restaurants, gardens like.
  4. This will make various products available in number of variety using single machine which is not available in market till the date.
  5. Thus extract of the object is to enhance product and productivity in single step investment of mindset of being entrepreneur.


What’s New?

How it contributes to society?


  1. This machine can manufacture multiple food products in various varieties in single machine under controlled parameters.
  2. This is one and first kind of machine which includes dairy, chocolate, beverage, snacks and like sectors.
  3. This is cost efficient and will assuredly have good market demand as machine cost is also too low compare to output provided.
  4. This can be arranged outside malls, restaurants like places as it is mobile production machine, it is easily movable.
  5. The different flavors and variety which is not available in market will be in hand of consumers with this unit.


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